Today's Blog is inspired by an amazing lady by the name of Betty. Betty is struggling with lung cancer since she was diagnosed last year on December 24th. She is an amazing person who needs all the support you can give her. So while reading this blog take a moment to think of her and "think a kind thought" for her return to health.
Life is a jumble of chaos and busy schedules these days .... no time for anyone else really and no time for ourselves. It amazes me that when faced with something life threatening, we stop ... take stock of the moment ... and realize how precious life is. A wonderful client of mine shared a sad story with me yesterday, about a boy, who challenged with the stress of school and the frustrations of life, decided to jump off a tower and take his life. She noted how people within the school, from administration to students stopped and took stock of the moment. They took a journey within, in that very moment, and embraced themselves and the people around them. In that moment everything looked precious. In that moment you are one with everything and everything is one with you and you realize that everyone and everything is valuable ... everyone and everything is amazing and everyone and everything is all worthy of your time, love and respect. Had one person taken a moment to consider how precious and valuable he really was and taken the time to say that to him, would he have still jumped?
So many times in the passing of our day, we disregard the people around us and more times than not we pass judgement. And yet do we ever stop to reflect how that effects the people around us. Many researchers today, among them noted Quantum phycisists, say that we are a part of a greater energetic field and that what we do, say or think ripples out in the world and has a profound effect on the entire field, and most especially yourself and the people around you. Well I guess it is no surprise then that when we look at the world around us, it too is filled with chaos, frustration and imbalance and on the other hand great beauty, grace and potential .... a complete mirror reflection of ourselves. It is in effect a poster child to our inner world. And yet we still decide to remain detached, oblivious and with eyes to the sky or to the ground. Here is the key ... we empower each other with our thoughts and words and we dis-empower just as powerfully with our thoughts and words.
You are that powerful. This is the great power that we have within us that sages, gurus, philosophers, poets and avatars have been trying to tell us. It is also the great wisdom that has been held back from us by those that would see us fail at reaching our full potentail.
So take a moment today to lift the world and the people in it higher ... today "think a kind thought".
Have an amazingly empowered day.
Till next time keep smilin'.
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Copyright © 2011. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.
Wow that was amazing , because it was so real almost surreal, how fast our lives travel , with the good and bad . It makes me think how important it is to just be who we are and be in a state of gratitude . Thank you so much for sharing . And thank you for your work with me and my Self Worth , THe 22 days that i spent working with you has absolutely changed my life , and i seriously look forward in doing it again. I am also amazed at how inexpensive your work was compared to the other methods i have tried with no results !!! I truly wish more people saw the value in which you offer . Thank You t stewart