Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Of Heart and Mind

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.  
 ~Carl Jung

For that is what we are; dreamers awakening.

A universal experience has surfaced among my clients, colleagues and friends -- well in effect amongst us all.  Some have willing sought out the experience, while others have been swept along the current of the transitioning times.  Some are closer to mastering aspects of the experience, while yet others are just starting their epic journey of discovery.

 It is the awakening of the true heart and mind consciousness.

Over the years we have entertained misconstrued ideas on how to effectively work with both our heart and mind intelligence.  Trial and error were teachers throughout most of our experience, as were parents, mentors, friends, family and cast of extras along the way.  They did their best to pass on reflections, thoughts and ideas about the depth of this intelligence, but the full potential for the most part was never shared nor understood.  For how could those precious souls pass on what they themselves had been unable to see. 

From this sea of limited beliefs our world became that much smaller and our ability to use heart and mind tools became dulled and muted.  Our tapestry of life was still very much functionable, but it lacked a spectrum of infinite color, sound and knowingness.  When you are unaware that you are missing something, you rarely go looking for it.  And so this monochromatic existence was the lens through which we interpreted and participated in our reality.

And for millennia we surrendered to this amnesiac state of being.  It is only in recent years that the depth of Mindset and heart influence have truly caught the attention of the public at large.  If there is truly one secret that has been withheld from us, it would be that the inner world, the world of mind, consciousness, heart and feeling, is the source of our greatest strength and co-creative ability.  Truly at the end of it all, we are the artists of our illusion, the poets of our reality, the authors of our creation. 

We are truly living in a time of golden opportunity.

There might be those that would scoff at this potential, so immersed in their fear and doubt about the perceived state of the world and 2012's long held forecast of destruction and despair.   Perhaps we should view old prophetic forecasts for 2012 and beyond, not so much from the perspective of chaos and global upheaval, but more so from the view that transition from one World Age to another may just embrace the practice of letting go of our beliefs and replacing our experience with a state of expanded consciousness.  Perhaps the war has been taken from its ever present external expression, to an internal battle where unworthiness, limitation and outdated beliefs of an old paradigm claw and struggle to survive in a field of rising consciousness, knowingness, self love and infinite potential.

As I witness the people around me move through their expressions of evolution, I watch how the battle unfolds in their lives.  Financial ruin, loss of jobs, careers, relationships, friendships, homes, beliefs, identity and so much more; in effect a complete letting go.   It is as if everything that we hold onto is caught in a tsunami of epic proportions and when we finally surrender to the uncertainty and "be", a new paradigm opens up for us and reality literally takes on a whole new expression.

Like it or lump it we are moving forward as a collective and with that comes the ever present request to go within and clean house.  And clean house we must do.   In years past, a handful of people felt the pull to move into this divine state of elder-hood.  Today I see people of all ages and all walks of life, being drawn forward; either gently cajoled or outright overwhelming challenged.

We are changing and the time frame for our personal 'tipping point' is not in years, or months or weeks or days, but in actual fact TODAY.   

The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands.
 ~     Robert M. Persig

More and more people are  feeling the call within to make a change, to honor something deep within and hear the whisper in their heart to be their authentic, magnificent selves that they were meant to be.   Gloves are off, masks thrown to the ground and the work begins.  

Today is the day - Heart and Mind unified as a single voice, resonated through our combined Consciousness. 

As you embark into a New Year and a new age, how will you move forward into your truth?

Have an amazingly empowered day.


To learn more about the work I do with Leaves of Light, check out my website or click on my Facebook Fanpage to follow insights, programs and research into consciousness expansion.   


Leaves of Light

Leaves of Light Facebook Fan Page 

Copyright © 2011 - 2013. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wisdom Within

     I have often thought back to those early years in childhood and reflected on the wisdom from within. There was a sense of wonder at life, a sense of stillness and yet barely contained excitement.  Beyond even that, there was a deep sense of knowing and yet an openness to the potentials this new world had to offer.  

     Somewhere along the way the knowingness gave way to doubt, peace and stillness gave way to fear and insecurity and a potential that made us shine and step forward, faded from view and we stepped back and felt small and unworthy.  As childhood vanished and adulthood was embraced, a feeling of having lost something precious, speaks to us in the recesses of our consciousness.  

     And so our amnesiac journey of rediscovering ourselves begins,the return to the whole magnificent self and the return to full potential.  For some it is a journey of numerous cycles, that takes a lifetime to complete, and yet for others  a single moment can shift all that was forgotten or set aside.  Each journey is so unique and amazing and such a gift.

     While moving through our journey, the Universe hears our silent plea for wholeness and steps in with insight, experiences or moments of opportunity and clarity; a moment to open a new door and a new potential.

     One such moment, that feels like a lifetime ago, happened when a wonderful wise man sat me down and explained to me a simple and yet profound idea.   "Everything you need to know, all the knowing you are searching for, is no farther than your own inner self.  No guru, no teacher, no book or study will provide you with anything that you don't already have within yourself. "  

     With my mind so set on the practical and the linear, it was an idea that was beyond my grasp in that moment.  Years later I understand the simplicity, beauty and truth of those words and realized that the journey was one of my own making, whether effortless or limited.

     But I will say this for the journey, 'it has its merits'.  On the journey within, we meet amazing people who show us a magnificent human potential or the mirror of our limited selves, we visit extraordinary places on the planet that fire the imagination or we spend endless amounts of time on the proverbial park bench of our choosing to just be still.  We have endless experiences in our careers, relationships, wealth, and health, that toss us to and fro, up and down.  Whatever the journey, however soft or chaotic the experience, we return to the simple truth.  We have a wisdom and power within that is beyond anything that we can imagine.   What an extraordinary thing to discover.  You are the one you have been waiting for.  It is there for everyone.  A choice is made and the journey however long or short unveils a beauty and magnificence within.  It really is that simple.  

     What an incredible revelation.  You return to the place where you started and truly see yourself as the infinite, limitless person you were always meant to be.    You understand that your wisdom truly is within.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.     ~T.S. Elliot 

Have an amazingly empowered day.
Till next time keep smilin'.


To learn more about the work I do with Leaves of Light, check out my website or click on my Facebook Fanpage to follow insights, programs and research into consciousness expansion.

Leaves of Light
Leaves of Light Facebook Fan Page 

Copyright © 2011 - 2012. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It Is Up To Us

     It feels like a lifetime ago, when I first read 'It is Up to Us' written by Will Ash Bacon.  At the very moment I read it my heart was enchanted, imagination captivated and soul set free. These words encouraged me to look beyond my external world and rediscover the internal, infinite power within.

    We are incredible beings with an internal resource that is left largely untapped, directionless, and primarily asleep.  It is up to us to wake up and realize that we are the very creators we have been searching for.  We are responsible for all the expressions of energy that manifest in our lives ... individually and as a global collective .... those creations that sing out our magnificence and those that cause us to fall to our knees and weep in despair. 

    We have within us an incredible ability to reshape our illusion, to consciously create and to make a new life with incredible potential.  This simple idea is the great mystery that mankind has been searching for.  You are an energetic being with a power unlike any other and when thoughts, words and feelings are directed with consistency, intent, surrender and love, mountains will be moved, duality will vanish with barely a whisper and oneness will be restored.  Imagine a world where abundance is the ground we walk on, happiness is the very lifeblood in our veins, and potential is the very air you breath.

    We have stepped into a monumental year, that has the power to elevate us to where we truly shine.  Regardless of prophecy or legend, our combined energy of stepping into change and greeting this year with a knowing that life will never be the same, has a power to shift the very hologram we live in;  in fact life will be infinitely better for all who occupy this planet.  That thought in of itself is incredibly powerful. 

    This is our gift, and should we step forward and accept our birthright, we have an opportunity to witness a life we have only dreamt of.   

    We are here now, you and I and it is up to us to re-enchant this planet Earth.

It’s up to us
to re-enchant this planet Earth
We are the elves and giants
we are the shining ones
daughters of the Moon and
sons of the Sun
We are the shapeshifters
we are the mysterious light
shrouded in mists at
the dawn of our time
it’s up to us to re-enchant
this living planet Earth
Up to us to midwife
at our own rebirth
up to us to send our dead
along their
ancient pathways to the future
up to us to re-enchant this
living planet Earth
It’s up to us to break the spell
that steals the colours
from the world
and leaves it lifeless
it was our spell
we can break it
It’s up to us to break the spell
that steals the music from
the Wind and the Rain
it is our spell
we can break it
We will dance the magic dance
and our bodies will remember
we will sing the magic songs
and together we’ll remember
how to live together
how to love each other
how to ride the eagle
how to call the deer
   ~    Will Ash Bacon

 To learn more about the work I do with Leaves of Light check out my website or click on my Facebook Fanpage to follow insights, programs and research into consciousness expansion.

Leaves of Light Facebook Fan Page

 Copyright © 2011-2012. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Think a Kind Thought.

Today's Blog is inspired by an amazing lady by the name of Betty.  Betty is struggling with lung cancer since she was diagnosed last year on December 24th.  She is an amazing person who needs all the support you can give her.  So while reading this blog take a moment to think of her and "think a kind thought" for her return to health.

Life is a jumble of chaos and busy schedules these days .... no time for anyone else really and no time for ourselves.  It amazes me that when faced with something life threatening, we stop ... take stock of the moment ... and realize how precious life is.  A wonderful client of mine shared a sad story with me yesterday, about a boy, who challenged with the stress of school and the frustrations of life, decided to jump off a tower and take his life.  She noted how people within the school, from administration to students stopped and took stock of the moment.  They took a journey within, in that very moment, and embraced themselves and the people around them.  In that moment everything looked precious.  In that moment you are one with everything and everything is one with you and you realize that everyone and everything is valuable ... everyone and everything is amazing and everyone and everything is all worthy of your time, love and respect.   Had one person taken a moment to consider how precious and valuable he really was and taken the time to say that to him, would he have still jumped?  

So many times in the passing of our day, we disregard the people around us and more times than not we pass judgement.  And yet do we ever stop to reflect how that effects the people around us.  Many researchers today, among them noted Quantum phycisists, say that we are a part of a greater energetic field and that what we do, say or think ripples out in the world and has a profound effect on the entire field, and most especially yourself and the people around you.  Well I guess it is no surprise then that when we look at the world around us, it too is filled with chaos, frustration and imbalance and on the other hand great beauty, grace and potential .... a complete mirror reflection of ourselves.  It is in effect a poster child to our inner world.  And yet we still decide to remain detached, oblivious and with eyes to the sky or to the ground.  Here is the key ... we empower each other with our thoughts and words and we dis-empower just as powerfully with our thoughts and words.

You are that powerful. This is the great power that we have within us that sages, gurus, philosophers,  poets and avatars have been trying to tell us.  It is also the great wisdom that has been held back from us by those that would see us fail at reaching our full potentail.

So take a moment today to lift the world and the people in it higher ... today "think a kind thought".  

Have an amazingly empowered day.
Till next time keep smilin'.


Leaves of Light Facebook Page

Copyright © 2011. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome Consciousness Potential Pioneers

Welcome to Expanding Consciousness Now ... a blog for the  journeyman/woman of consciousness expansion and evolution.  

For that is what you are .... journeywomen and journeymen ...  apprentices in this transitioning  journey to higher and higher forms of personal / energetic mastery.

In the coming weeks and months I will be exploring our expanding mind and heart potential, reintegration of higher consciousness into our waking world, research that demonstrates and documents our transitioning state, and the unique and diverse journeys that bring us closer to the return of the whole, divine self.

Welcome to the journey of a lifetime.

Be well and keep smilin'.


Leaves of Light on Facebook

Copyright © 2011 - 2012. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this post on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact and full credit is given to the author.